General Guidelines (Revised 7/21/2023)
Both the registration and membership fees must be received before you are considered a PTG member. Membership enrollment for the 2023-2024 School Year is open from August 1, 2023 through January 31, 2024.
Only families who have moved to the area or are new to homeschooling after January 31, 2024 will be allowed to enroll past the deadline.
Membership fees are $30/family from August 1, 2023 through October 31, 2023.
Fees will increase to $40/family from November 1, 2023 through January 31, 2024.
In order to attend a PTG event, one must be a member of PTG.
The only exceptions are the Kickoff Picnic in September and the Jr/Sr Prom during which a junior or senior PTG member may invite a friend from outside the group.
Membership is not obtained at a PTG event but rather online by filling out our
Registration Form.
Please check age restrictions (middle school, high school) before signing up for a PTG event.
Email and Facebook Guidelines
PTG members are encouraged to use PTG Google Groups email and the PTG Facebook page to communicate with one another. There are some simple guidelines all members are asked to keep in mind.
Email Guidelines
Email content should be...
*related to PTG
Emails should NOT be….
*advertisements (including personal business ads), sale items not homeschool-related, political posts, or posts that might be considered derogatory or controversial.
Facebook Guidelines
PTG Facebook is for PTG members ONLY
PTG Board will add new members as requested and remove former members.
Facebook posts should be *related to PTG
Facebook posts should not include *advertisements (including personal business ads), political posts, or posts that might be considered derogatory or controversial.
PTG Board members will approve and monitor email and Facebook content. If something is deleted or not approved, a board member will let the member know why. If a PTG member believes something has been sent via email or posted on Facebook that may be questionable, the Social Media board member or Moderator should be contacted.
Music Guidelines
PTG is a Christian organization that allows music by Christian and non-Christian music artists to be played at dances and other appropriate social events. The PTG Board asks our dance and other social event coordinators to ensure, to the best of their ability, that music with sexually suggestive, explicit, or profane lyrics not be played. We understand personal tastes and preferences vary among the PTG members. The expectation is that those responsible for the music at PTG events would carefully consider the song choices and ensure they fall within the guideline. If a PTG member has a concern about the music played at an event, they should contact the board member overseeing that event (event liaison). The PTG Board will assess each situation individually and take the proper course of action as they deem necessary. If it is determined that an event organizer and/or DJ has willfully ignored the Music Guideline, the event organizer and/or the DJ will not be allowed to plan/DJ a PTG event for 2 years.
Behavior Guidelines
All members are expected to follow the guidelines. If guidelines are not followed, membership may be revoked. If a member’s behavior is called into question, the principles of Matthew 18 will be followed.
The individual/s will be spoken to directly.
Each situation will be taken into consideration on an individual basis.
Correction will be given as appropriate.
If an individual/s is/are unwilling to comply with the guidelines, PTG membership will be terminated.
In extreme cases, where the Board deems it necessary, the Board reserves the right to terminate membership immediately.
Members are expected to show honor and respect to one another, give others the benefit of the doubt, offer grace, show kindness, and be an example of love to one another. (Romans 12:10, Eph. 4:2)
Students are expected to act respectfully to those in authority at a PTG event and other adults at all times. (Eph. 5:21)
No public displays of affection. Slow dancing at dances is the exception and members are asked to behave respectfully toward one another.
Vulgar language, coarse joking, and fighting are not allowed. (Eph 5:4)
Participants in activities are expected to abide by the rules of the event organizer/facility, stay together with the group, and show respect to those in charge.
Transportation to and from PTG events is the responsibility of PTG members. Once at an event, teen drivers are not allowed to leave and come back. Palmetto Teen Group and event coordinators are not responsible for driving arrangements made between members, including arrangements made between teenagers.
Dress code: (Revised 7/21/23)
While we wish for PTG members to always consider one another, and what is appropriate dress for each PTG event, here are some general guidelines to follow when choosing clothes.
Dresses/skirts/shorts/skorts no more than 4” above the knee.
Avoid plunging necklines.
Undergarments or clothing appearing as an undergarment should not be visible.
If bathing suits are appropriate for an event:
Girls-1-piece suits, tankinis, or a t-shirt over a 2-piece
Guys- Board shorts or trunks that are board length.
If there is a question about the student’s attire:
The event organizer will speak with the student privately and call the student’s parent(s) to bring another outfit for the student to change into for the event or, if another outfit is not available, to pick up the student from the event.
If a student must leave the event due to a dress code violation, there will be no refund for event admission and/or fees.
The event organizer is asked to notify the event liaison of the policy violation within 24 hours of the event. If the event liaison is unavailable, the organizer can notify another board member. Should clarification be needed regarding any policy enforcement during the event, board members are to be contacted by event organizers.
PTG Board Policies regarding non-registered guests at events
PTG members who did not register or RSVP for an event ahead of time as directed, but show up to the event and expect to be admitted, will be handled at the discretion of the event organizer on a case-by-case basis. PTG membership must be current and will be verified on site.
Sneaking into PTG Event
For those sneaking into an event and to those members who assist others sneaking into an event, the event organizer will notify their event liaison or another board member as soon as possible. The event organizer and a chaperone will address the student privately and follow the guidelines listed below.
If the student is a PTG member: a parent will be called for the student to be picked up. If the student drove to the event, a parent will be notified that the student was asked to leave the event. As a result of the offense, the student will not be allowed to attend one of the upcoming dances.**
For non-PTG members found sneaking into an event: A parent will be contacted to pick up the student or, if the student drives, notified that the student has been asked to leave. Any event attendee that assists a non-PTG member with sneaking into the event will be asked to leave, parents will be contacted and the student will not be allowed to attend the next scheduled PTG dance.*
After the event: If the PTG board is made aware that a student(s) did sneak into an event or assisted someone sneaking into an event, the student(s) will not be allowed to attend the next scheduled PTG dance.* A second offense will be handled by the PTG board on a case-by-case basis but could result in the student losing their PTG membership for one year.
**Ex: If the offense occurs during one of the final spring dances of the year, the student will not be allowed to attend the fall dance in the following school year.